Liturgy for imposition of ashes
Liturgy for imposition of ashes

liturgy for imposition of ashes

Gather everyone with a trumpet to seek forgiveness ACS920 All things of dust to dust return (Thomas Troeger) Solemn words, but ultimately hopeful.A very simple chant, which can be used as a round. ACS919 Remember that you are dust (Mark Mummert).Sound sample, lyrics and purchasing options. Online resource Mark us with the sign of life and death (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A positive song emphasizing our part in the community of believers and as one with the earth.Sound sample, lyrics and an entire Ash Wednesday order of worship. This song is based on Psalm 90, and would beĪppropriate for the anointing with ashes, or other reflective moments in Online resource We are children of the Earth (Richardīruxvoort Colligan).(Kathy Douglass) A lovely simple song that would work well to be sung during the imposition of ashes. (Bruce Harding) A simple song which can be sung as a chant or a round. Sound sample, sheet music sample and purchasing options. Online Resource / G(3)489 / GtG433 Sign us with ashes (Mary Louise Bringle / William Rowan) A good refrain with verses that the musicians could sing when ashes are signed.

liturgy for imposition of ashes

The words to this hymn are very challenging. Sound sample (I would use a more simple, and slower instrument-free arrangement). You can also make up your own verses to fit your community.

  • AS921 In all affliction / Return to God (Marilyn Haskel) This very simple call and response song could be used in many settings for Ash Wednesday, including evening services where the light is dim since it doesn't require anyone to read words, as they simply follow the song leader.
  • It could also work to just sing the chorus as a chant.

    liturgy for imposition of ashes

    Have good musicians, they may like to give it a go. Song, although it's not difficult, unless everyone knows it well.

  • ACS925 / Recorded Music Beautiful Things.
  • (Linnea Good) A good contemporary hymn, with a quite classically beautiful
  • ATAR626 / VU113 To the desert Jesus came / Together through the valley.

  • Liturgy for imposition of ashes