Example videos and parent handouts are provided as part of PTC and are used by practitioners during group sessions.Group facilitators use active teaching skills (e.g., role play, problem solving, and experiential exercises) to introduce and practice skills that support prosocial family functioning and generalize success in community settings.The weekly sessions also introduce supporting practices:.Systematic, mild limit setting for negative behavior.Skill encouragement, teaching positive behavior.Weekly parent group sessions introduce a set of core parenting practices:.The essential components of Parenting Through Change (PTC GenerationPMTO Group) include: The program representative did not provide information about a Logic Model for Parenting Through Change (PTC GenerationPMTO Group). Taking context into account by using a trauma-informed approach and tailoring for specific populations as appropriate.Promoting healthy communication skills that generalize across people, setting.Promoting prosocial peer relationships and activities.effective communication, interpersonal problem solving, cooperation) Strengthening youngsters' academic functioning and prosocial skills (e.g.Reducing and preventing child/youth behavior problems (e.g., aggression, externalizing behavior, internalizing behavior, delinquency, drug use/abuse, deviant peer association).Strengthening positive parenting practices.The overall goals of Parenting Through Change (PTC GenerationPMTO Group) are: The individual family session version of this intervention, GenerationPMTO (Individual Delivery Format), is also rated on the CEBC. Parent groups, which are designed for prevention and clinically referred samples, are available in 10, 12, and 14 session formats. Group facilitators use active teaching skills (e.g., role play, problem solving, and relevant experiential activities) to introduce and practice skills. Weekly parent group sessions introduce a set of core parenting practices (e.g., skill encouragement, limit setting, monitoring, problem solving, and positive involvement) and supporting practices (e.g., active communication, emotion regulation, and academic promotion). Parenting Through Change (PTC GenerationPMTO Group) is a group parenting intervention that addresses child and adolescent behavior problems, including oppositional defiant and conduct problems and associated challenges such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms, delinquency, substance use, depression, academic problems, and deviant peer association. GenerationPMTO was formerly known as Parent Management Training - the Oregon Model (PMTO®). Parents of children/youth ages 2-18 at risk for or presenting with behavior problems