Proper primary color shades for color wheel experiment
Proper primary color shades for color wheel experiment

proper primary color shades for color wheel experiment

Color subtraction is the process of absorbing certain colors. Why? This is because paint colors combine by color subtraction. If you mix red and green paint, however, the mixture is closer to brown than it is to yellow. The new color is made by adding colors of light together. Color addition involves combining different colors of light to form a new color of light.

proper primary color shades for color wheel experiment

If you mix all three colors of light-red, green, and blue-on a single spot on a screen, they form white light! This is called color addition.

proper primary color shades for color wheel experiment

For example, red and green light mix to make yellow light. When two primary colors of light are mixed together, a secondary color is created. Have you ever wondered from where all the beautiful colors that you see around you come? How are they made? It all starts with the three primary colors of light, which are red, green, and blue.

Proper primary color shades for color wheel experiment